Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hey God I Hear You..........."Be Still, Wait, You are Predestined"

During this time when we have been forced to stop our routine lives and only do what is necessary then stay home, it has become apparent that there is more to this, this sitting game, more to it than just sitting. More to this than just more free time to chill, relax, and pass time until all is back to "normal," there has to be. Trust me, the relaxing time is much needed, but it definitely comes to a point when there's been enough of just doing that and that alone. What more is it? What could this time really be for? Am I utilizing this gift of time to the fullest?

Some ask how do I hear God? What does that really mean, what does that really sound like, How do you even know its Him? Well that takes relationship and also a heart and ear to listen. 

In the stillness of the night, the sounds of the day have faded into silence and a blanket of sleep has fell upon the entire house. A nudge, not a physical touch, but a spiritual one has awakened me from my sleep. Its quiet, we only get this real quiet time about 3 or 4 am when the night walkers of the house finally settle into their sleep. The initial feeling is that I need to get up to go to the bathroom, but it always turns out to be more than that. A time to Hear. A time to Listen.  In a subtle moment of heightened senses, you feel it, you hear it. Though its not loudly audible, its consciousness, its still thoughts, its peace, its understanding, its assurance.....its the arms of comfort and renewed strength. I hear God, I feel God. 

A still, small voice says "Rest, really rest, because this next season is going to be full force in abundance and blessings. Keep you mind in peace  and joy in your heart and a praise on your tongue, because there lies power. Pick up those books I gave you and along with my Word use to strengthen the firm foundation in your children. Write down those words you heard me say, in them is a sign, direction, and confirmation. Don't be afraid to make that move, go fourth with boldness and Faith. You have what it takes. You have me, in you, through you, around you.....Trust in Me."

Clarity. Assurance. Faith. Now Work.

Yes God, I Hear You.

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