Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Working Working Working ....Goal Digging vs. Parenting and Spousing

My goals are expanding everyday. It seems like I have some new extension of business that I feel compelled to do every minute of everyday.  Not only am I being pulled towards my ambitions and callings, but also keeping in mind my role as a wife and parent, I am called to balance it all. My goal is to come closer to my happiness and life fulfillment in my career(s), while also giving my kids all the opportunities to learn, grow, and have fun, and my husband support, love, and quality time. Woooh, yes, that is a mouthful. But hey, us mom's/women make it happen, daily, no matter what.

Its a push to keep going some days. Some days a flooring of the gas pedal full on, and others are in a slow cruise mode like Sunday driving like there's nowhere to get to fast. As I am writing, I just noticed I left off myself, taking care of myself. Rest, eating right, sleeping, exercising, and treating myself to some pampering......always far fetched and last on my list. Actually, more recently, I have put me at the top more, saying, no, when I need to and resting more. I just have to keep it consistent. You definitely can't pour into others when you are depleted. I thank God for His strength that reaches to me daily. 

This prioritization has initiated this urge to transition this blog in somewhat of a new direction. I just want to me the light I am called to be and to walk in the calling of restoration and all that that means for who I am, all of my roles, and all the services I offer in business. Our main focus in business is youth restoration and strengthening the parent/child connection/relationship, so I will focus on topics related the most. 

I'm excited about this continued journey....won't you join me.....