If we think about it, we have many relationships and many of them are pretty strained. Yes the relationships have good moments but, there are some pretty big bad, stressful, and unhappy moments as well. The first thing we tend to do is to blame the other person in the relationship rather than looking are our contribution to the problem and turning to God first. The key solution, which is rarely ever the first approach is to examine our relationship with God and what needs to change to perfect that relationship first by aligning our life with Christ. This sounds deep, but its really not.
As Christians we are suppose to be living like Christ, so our life should reflect a Christ life, right. That can only be accomplished by giving up yourself totally and trusting God completely. Now this is hard. As a human, with sin, your first approach to relationships is to get your own pleasure from it, as well as all things you do in life. The sincere and real approach should be a whole other motive. Your ultimate goal is and always should be to live as Christ would, love and give without focus of only what you want in return, but because it is what God wants from you.
All it takes is for one participant in the relationship to surrender totally to God and He will mend and restore your relationships to a level you could not even imagine. Try it. I've know it works......I've seen it work.
"When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him"
-proverbs 16:7